INICIA launched its new institutional/promotional book Alas & Colores: Aves endémicas de La Española (*Wings & Colors: Native Birds of Hispaniola), which was developed by photographer Mario Dávalos, featuring illustrative artwork from the American artist, Alex Warnick.
The book presentation was hosted by Felipe Vicini, Managing Partner at INICIA, whom also showcased the 2018 corporate agenda, which also features the same topic, and instead of illustrations, displays a colorful image bank by six artists of the lens, whom contributed their talent and time to this work, now going on its 11th consecutive edition. “We tried to design a book, that asides featuring some of the most beautiful illustrations ever seen of these species, also features text, that far from scientific, features content that is useful and edifying about each of the species, and complement the artwork”, Vicini explained.
On his behalf, Dávalos thanked INICIA for the trust bestowed in him and the agency, CAPITAL DBG, which he owns and founded 11 years ago, for the opportunity to produce this corporate book and agenda for INICIA. “I can’t explain what this important experience has meant to me and the team. More than a book, this is a comprehensive project, where we developed a platform that gives purpose to its very baseline reason: to immortalize the relevance and beauty of the native birds of our island”, he expressed.
The book features text by Yolanda León, Andrea Thomén, Simón Guerrero and James Goetz; the agenda features photos by Eladio Fernández, Guillermo Armenteros, Rafael Arvelo, Dax Román, Miguel Landestoy and Dávalos himself. The edition, a non-profit and limited distribution publication, is also available on .pdf format in the book website:, and raises awareness on the importance of preserving wildlife and the environment.
INICIA is a private equity firm with vast experience in the NOLA (North Latin America) Region, known for developing an alluring talent and investment model, aiming to generate value through sustainable, specialized and diversified investment funds.