The performance rendered by Dominican athletes in the XXIII Central American and Caribbean Games Veracruz 2014, has filled the CRESO program executives with pride and satisfaction.
The 47 medals won by the CRESO –sponsored athletes has caused an immense impression within the heart of this organization, reason why this entity has ratified its commitment towards the Dominican Olympic Committee (COD) and its athletes for that remains of the current Olympic cycle. Dominican Republic finished honorably in fifth place featuring a total of 77 medals, which was celebrated in the CLARO Corporate Meeting Room.
“CRESO is committed to athletes in both the academic as well as sports aspects” , Vicini stated, whom was joined at the event by Eduardo Najri from Ferquido and also CRESO VP; Oscar Pena, CEO of Claro; Julio Brache from Grupo Rica; Roberto Bonetti Pastoriza from Grupo SID; Mr. Frank Micheli from Central Romana Corporation; José Mármol from Banco Popular; Rafael Izquierdo from Grupo Universal; Mauricio Salazar and Edgar Pichardo from V-Energy, as well as by Luisín mejía and José Joaquín Puello, Chairman and Chairman Ad-Vitam of the COD.
Vicini pointed out the heroism displayed in each performance by the Dominican athletes in Veracruz. “They have become leaders and an example to follow” , said the impresario, after thanking all his partners at CRESO for joining in on this project.
“This tells us that we are well on our way; he expressed, to then invite his partners to join DR athletes on the next rendezvous at Toronto 2015, with the Pan American Games and in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics. “At CRESO we will continue to move forward, trying for our athletes to make it to these events in the best condition”.
The activity, organized y José Billini, CRESO Executive Director, also spoke Luisín Mejía, COD Chairman, whom asides expressing his gratitude to the support received on behalf og the organization, also distinguished the amount of medals won in Veracruz during the Central American and Caribbean Games, which made the country, come in fifth place.
Source: Listin Diario